Meet the client: Khalsa Aid

At WriteMeThis, we’re proud to show off our clients, in the same way they’re proud to show off the content we create. Here’s a sneak peek into our work with humanitarian charity, Khalsa Aid.

The challenge

Khalsa Aid needed hard-hitting press releases that would explain the work they do and encourage donations.

The solution

WriteMeThis created a series of press releases that outlined key projects. Using SEO and persuasive language, this content grew the site’s audience and increased donations.

What Khalsa Aid had to say

Raj Singh, CEO of Khalsa Aid International said: “Holly works magic on the original text I put together. The articles she creates have made it directly onto the website without any changes and Holly always makes time. Preparing the next set of articles for Holly to improve.”

See the content

Here is one of the press releases written by WriteMeThis.