WriteMeThis Privacy Policy

At WriteMeThis, we believe in only collecting essential data and using it to improve our own services, or to contact you if you’ve allowed this. Here’s everything you need to know.

Minimal data collection

WriteMeThis only collects the data that is necessary to provide its services. We do not use any profiling based on your search history, which ensures you will always receive unbiased search results. WriteMeThis does not use cookies that could be used to identify the user. We also do not use any tracking technologies, such as pixels or fingerprints.

How we use information

Here are the ways we may use your information:

  • To send you communications if you have provided contact details, including by email. For example, we may use the email address you provide in the ‘contact us’ form to respond to enquiries, or share information about the services we have that we believe may genuinely interest you
  • To monitor trends and website usage, with the goal of improving user experience on our website. This will not be shared with any other organisations

How we keep collected information safe

While we collect very minimal information at your own request, any information you provide us with is treated and stored confidentially. We use the TLS protocol to help keep you safe online, secured with a digital certificate.