Meet the client: Bella & Duke

At WriteMeThis, we’re proud to show off our clients, in the same way they’re proud to show off the content we create. Here’s a sneak peek into our work with raw pet food brand, Bella & Duke.

The challenge

Bella & Duke wanted to increase organic website traffic and improve their website copy, helping them to make their tone of voice uniform and grow reach.

The solution

WriteMeThis carried out competitor analysis, created SEO optimised blogs and rewrote select sections of Bella & Duke’s website copy to grow reach and conversions. Another project involved the creation of printed marketing materials, designed to inform and onboard new customers.

What Bella & Duke had to say

Andrew Linfoot, Marketing Content Manager at Bella & Duke said: “Holly’s approach to content has made the entire process so easy for us. With a very simple brief, we’ve received top quality SEO blog content from Holly that has put us at the top of SERPs and helped us to increase conversions at an impressive rate.”

See the content

Here is a selection of articles created by WriteMeThis.

Puppy Health Plan for new Bella & Duke customers